No but they will not receive appointment reminders or invoices.
The only required fields are name, phone number and the postcode or zip code of their address. The more you can enter the better.
A householder can have multiple addresses and also an address that is managed by a Landlord (Agent) It is important to understand the difference. A Landlord (Agent) can have addresses that they completely look after or addresses where the Householder pays the invoices.
Yes either the Landlord (Agent) or the Householder (Tenant) can be invoiced/pay.
Yes. Go to the address record and press ‘change owner’.
Images, video links, forms/certificates, history, notes, all appointments in the past or future, documents and contacts for this address.
Deleting permanently deletes the address. Archiving removes the address from the customer record but it can be retrieved by pressing the green down arrow in the address records. Any address with a future or past appointment that has not been invoices can’t be deleted of archived.